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About Me

If anyone had said to me a few years ago that when I retired after a long career in accountancy, that I would be living in beautiful North Wales drawing coloured pencil pet portraits I wouldn't have believed them. Yet that is exactly what I am doing and enjoying every single minute. I do pastel pencil portraits too, not just of animals but humans too.


As a child art was my favourite subject at school, I even applied to go to art college but I never saw it through and instead drifted into the world of offices,  Accounts Offices to be exact. It's ironic really as maths was my weakest and most hated subject!


After over fifty years of not painting, drawing or doing anything artistic at all, apart from photography and crafts, I started to draw again. Much to my surprise I was good, especially at copying animals from photographs.


One of my very first drawings was of my beloved cat. Teddy had sadly been killed by a speeding car, and though it made me very sad it was lovely to see him come alive again on paper (I've included the drawing on my Gallery page). Before too long I was being asked if I would draw other people's pets and to see the look on the faces of their owners when I give them the finished piece is one of the best feelings in the world.

I know I strayed a long way off the path that I should have been following since I was a teenager but somehow I found my way back and for that I will be eternally grateful. 


I would love to think that in years to come my drawings will adorn many a wall both here and abroad and give their owners the same pleasure as creating them gives to me.

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